Not your average Christmas list.  Created with the focus of health ❤

“I’m getting asked what I want for Christmas and I have no idea!”  This is something I’m seeing over and over right now.  It’s hard to think when you are on the spot…especially when you normally are so busy focusing on others!

I decided to make a list that you can use as a spring board for gifting others or you can share this link with your husband/mom/mother-in-law/sister/favorite aunt/friends so they have ideas for you!😉

Here is some great ideas for Christmas gifts broken down into groups. Enjoy and tell me in the comments what you’d add to the list!

DIY gifts

Magnesium body butter– Everybody needs more magnesium! This is a great gift to make in a batch and give containers out to your friends and family.  Add a nice essential oil to it to really take it to the top!

Sole water kits- Read more about the sole water benefits here.  All you need is a small jar  and rock salt.  Print of a little note card of the health benifits of sole water, and how to make it (they just need to add water to their jar.

Subscriptions (If your a “crunchy” person you’ll love these ideas!)

Rasa Koffee-  Adaptogens to support your health. I love to mix mine with a little vanilla, coconut milk, honey and cocoa powder to get a “mocha”.  I drank coffee daily until replacing it with this.  Coming in January they have “Dirty Rasa” coming out that is blended with actual coffee for those who aren’t ready to give up coffee.  I love that the use 100% compostable bags.  I love that its a small business that sources ethically and cares so much about what they do!   Plus they give free shipping on every order (they send you the coupon when you get an account with them, AND if you are on a monthly subscription you save $5 a bag.  LOVE IT!

Uplevel Nutrition– Meal planning service.   These meal plans are Paleo, gluten free, grain free and dairy free (optional).  This comes with a FB group that you can ask all your meal planning questions, and she’ll help you out.   One of my all time favorite recipes came from this site!

Thrive membership-  for a annual fee you have access to some great food and products at a deeply discounted price.  I place a large order every 6 weeks or so to keep me in stock with all the things I use regularly.

DoTerra or Young Living – There are die hard essential oil advocates out there…I’m not one😉  By that I mean that I’ve used both Young Living and DeTerra and have loved them both.  I love Young livings EO of Panaway, Stress Away and  Thieves.  DoTerra has my favorite blend of Balance and my kids love serenity.   If you sign up with the company I believe you have to pay an annual cost, but  you recoup that in savings throughout the year.

Under $35

Acupuncture mat- This thing is amazing! I love to use it when my neck is stiff, or my back is hurting.  It does take awhile to get used  to but once you do you will wonder why you haven’t gotten one before now.

Blue light blockers– At night, blue light disrupts our circadian rhythm, the natural release of hormones (melatonin). The blue light tricks our brain into believing that it is day-time, which makes falling asleep more difficult and lowers our sleep quality.  These ones only block about 50% of the light but if you are at a screen all day this is helpful to prevent eyestrain.  For night glasses that block out 99% of blue light you’d want something like this.  If you already wear glasses, you could get these clip on ones.

Dry brush– read all about the benefits of that here. This dry brush is a single one and much only $6!  Great one to get if you just want to try it out!

Honey House Natural Lotion and lip balm– hands down my FAVORITE lotion!  I love the smell of the vanilla and its one of the few that really helps when my hands are dry and cracking during the winter!

Stainless Steel Straws– with cleaning brush included! I love that they are are a reusable option instead of always grabbing plastic straws.

Fresh, nourishing salads for all seasons- (<— this is the e-book version!) This is one of the ONLY cookbooks I use!  I love her salads, and the way she combines her knowledge in easy to read form.  I have a printed version of this and am reaching out to her to see if she still has the printed version.  The linked version above is for her ebook.

Under $60

Low EMF hair dryer- There is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that too much EMF exposure can be harmful to our health. So much so that the World Health Organization classified EMFs as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” back in 2011.  If you use a hair dryer daily, you’ll want to switch to one that isn’t blasting you constantly with EMF’s.

Natural Sunrise simulation alarm clock-  this has a gradual sunrise eases you awake, gently and naturally.  There is also a back up beeper in case the bright light doesn’t wake you 😉

Happy Light therapy-  If you experience Seasonal Affect Disorder this could be just the thing for you!  Daily intake of light improves overall well being and has powerful benefits including sleep, mood, energy and focus.

Vibrant blue oils- Oh my goodness.  I love these oils. Vibrant Blue Oils are free from pesticides, chemical fertilizers, adulterants, and added synthetic chemicals.  They confirm this by performing GC/MS testing on every batch! They also are packaged in cobalt blue bottles that block out damaging light and radiation.  I especially love the Lymph, Parasympathetic and Adrenal oils.

$100 and over

Air fryer-  This isn’t something I’ve used yet.  I’ve heard amazing things about it (especially for making fries in a no mess, crunchy way.  It’s on my list for what I personally want to try 😊

Instant Pot-  Ok I included this becuase most people LOVE their instant pot.   I didn’t like the learning curve that came with it.  Plus after using it for a year when I lived in an RV, I was burned out from it and gladly embraced the oven again!

Vatamix-   I just got a vitamix and am now kicking myself for not doing it sooner!  My kids are getting in their veggies AND they think they are cool😁 I used this post to help me decide on which one to get (I got the 5300 series certified refurbished).  I’m in LOOOOVEEE❤❤❤

Cellercizer–  Ok I admit…I tried a cheaper version of a re-bounder first.  And let me tell you…it sucked.  So I switched to the cellercizer and it has been amazing!  Its great to get your lymphatic system moving.   Its a good workout…one your kids will fight to join in on though.  😉  The first rebounder I got I noticed was really jarring on my back and knees.  This one didn’t have any of those issues  (my only issue was being sore from muscles that don’t normally get used!)

Other ideas

-A one time house cleaning (or a house cleaning package- what better break then walking into a clean house?)!

-An escape room adventure night- If you love puzzles, and adventure then this is the gift.  It makes for a fun date night with just the two of you, or gather a group of friends to go and have fun with.

-Meal delivery service.  Search local to you.  I was surprised at how affordable it was when you compare it to going out.  Give the gift of some easy dinner nights 🙂

-Set up a kid free day or night.  It’s amazing what a little space from the kids can do to rejuvenate a mamma’s soul!

What other things would you add to this list?



*Full Disclosure- A few affiliate links were used.  I only used affiliate links for things I use on a regular basis and LOVE.





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