Feeling fantastic…until you don’t

Ever feel like you are doing fantastic and then you add one more thing to your plate and all of a sudden get pushed over into exhausted?

This was me recently.

My health has been doing to well and I’ve been wanting to add in exercising.

For some, exercising can be a way to control weight (and I’ve tried it in the past!) but for me…I just want to feel stronger, and have better stamina for activities.  My kids are getting a little older (hallelujah) and I feel like we aren’t ‘stuck’ at home as much and so I’m looking forward to doing more outside with them come spring (because I’m part reptile and don’t like the cold😂).  But i wanted to start building up to that right now.

So last week I got up early and did a light workout for 2 days in a row.

And I felt exhausted for the next 3 days.  I’m only today feeling better energy.

Let me tell you.  That realizing that I still have more healing to do kind of got me down.   I’ve been feeling pretty good for awhile now and when I get hit in the face with my own limits it can be so frustrating.

But you know. I did one thing that I’m contently telling my clients not to do.  I pushed myself to far.  Something I stress with them is “great, your feeling better, but make sure you conserve that energy.  Don’t add in a lot of stress or commitments.  Your body needs to heal on a deep level and when you push tor hard, you’re not allowing  healing to take place.”

I have a lot on my plate right now.  It’s all good things that I’m (mostly) enjoying, but there is a lot of it.  And even though I currently have the energy to do everything on my plate, I tipped the scales to far when I added in exercise.  And that’s ok.  Now I get to take a look and see what I WANT to prioritize.  Some things are non negotiable.  I have to feed my kids 3 times a day (okay being honest its probably closer to 5…I think they ALL have hollow legs!). I need to feed and exercise the dog.    I need to continue to spend quality time with my husband when he is home for work, for the good of me, him, our marriage, and our kids.  I want to stay on top of dishes and laundry because I feel more sane when I do.

I WANT to spend time growing my business, spending time with friends, keeping in touch with my family.  I want to keep our house somewhat picked up (sanity thing) and have time to take last minute sessions with clients. I want to exercise, be a better planner and organizer (and executor!) with homeschooling.  I want to invest time in relationships in my church, with people I’m in contact with.

There are a lot of things I want to do.  And it could be so easy to focus on that and get discouraged about what things I can’t feasibly fit in right now.

But instead of being frustrated that I’m not in top form, I’m instead choosing to feel grateful for how far I’ve come.

I’m healing.  It’s easy to forget sometimes that I’m coming from a lot of depletion with my minerals.  I’ve been pregnant or nursing for almost 7 years straight.  I’ve moved 5 times in the last 5 years. Most of those moves across states. We’ve bought a house.  I’ve overcome some major health struggles!

I have 3 beautiful and healthy children, friends and family that I can connect with, a roof over my head, a husband who works hard to support our family and so many things I can be grateful for!

So right now…I might not be able to add in exercising. And that’s ok.  I will continue to heal and someday I will add it in with ease❤

I’m curious-have you ever experienced this frustration that you aren’t where you want to be?   What do you do to change your mindset?  I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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