Getting rid of brain fog

Brain fog.

The dreaded fog that clouds your thinking and makes you frustrated that you can’t remember simple things.

I was pregnant with my first when I became aware of it.  I was standing at the cashiers counter at Wells Fargo trying to get cash back with my debit card (do people still do that? ) and it asked me for my pin.  The same pin number that I’d been using for YEARS.  I couldn’t remember it for the life of me!  I typed in a few different ones and finally had to get out of line and call my husband.  I just chalked it up to “pregnancy brain”.

But with each child it got a little worse.  I’d be having a conversation and I COULD. NOT. REMEMBER. WORDS.  My poor husband would have to interpret things like “Dear, can you get me..uh…that thing…you know…that thing.. in that place?”  I resorted to pointing a lot…or just doing things myself.

Looking back, it started long before getting pregnant.  Like the time I left a pan of water on the stove….with the burner ON, and left to grocery shop.🙄

Frustrating, dangerous, irritating and inconvenient!

Some of the symptoms of brain fog 

  • lack of concentration
  • forgetfulness -both in daily living and or the inability to remember new info
  • slow or hazy thinking
  • inability to focus
  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • anxiety
  • low motivation

It can affect every area of your life from safety to how you feel about yourself (I mean was I the only person who felt ridiculous when I had to resort to pointing like a child?)

Now there are several things that can contribute to brain fog such as lack of sleep, diet, and dehydration but one of the major things I’ve found that causes brain fog is a copper imbalance.

A copper imbalance can occur when your adrenals are tired (hello motherhood!), when you have stress going on in your life, when other minerals (zinc specifically) aren’t in correct balance, birth control pills, copper iud’s, or contamination from water or food supply.  Children can also inherit a copper dis-regulation while in the womb.😮

Recovering from brain fog

While I was eating fairly well (much better then the SAD diet) and sleeping and hydrating enough, I still was affected by this brain fog.  The HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) was huge in helping me figure out this copper piece to the puzzle and starting to recover from brain fog.

Once I was able to clearly see on a lab report that I had some markers for copper dysregulation I was able to start correctly eating, supplementing and making the life changes I needed to address the ROOT problem and to start getting a clear head again.

This has been so big for me! I feel like I can actually remember new information and that I can communicate effectively again.   I still occasionally forget a word sometimes, but I notice it mainly if I have not been sleeping enough, or if I’ve been taxing my adrenals to much (if I have more then 1 cup of coffee I notice forgetfulness more significantly).

Change does not happen overnight.  I don’t have a “microwave fix” for you. What I can help you with is figuring out root causes, and then helping you to implement small changes at a time. By small I mean that it’s small enough that it’s doable, but big enough that it will start a cumulative effect so that you can have lasting change and start feeling better.


Are you ready to help yourself have a clear mind, a mind that can retain new information, and easily focus on the task at hand?  Are you ready to be able to juggle all the tasks going on with ease instead of with anxiety and frustration? What would change in your life if you had clear thinking and easy recall right now?

If you are ready to get started fill out the form below so we can have a discovery call and see if an HTMA would be right for you!


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