Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
What does the process look like?
Three Options for Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Vibrant Health (Limited Availability)
1:1 Personal support to help break old patterns that don’t serve you and bring clarity and focus on your goals so you can have vibrant health!
Are you ready to regain your energy so you can live a life you LOVE?
This package consists of
- Four HTMA labs and detailed report/customized protocol
- Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly calls (15, 30, or 60 respectively and you get to decide what works best for you!)
- A 13 month program designed to take you through the foundations of health with small actionable steps to see big results by the end of the year.
- Discount for recommend supplement (through an online professional dispensary)
$3576.00 (Payment plans are available with initial deposit)
*Payment plan details
- $499 deposit
- $239 monthly payments or $120 bi-weekly
Foundations for Health
This program is designed to balance your body nutritionally, educate and inspire you mentally and help you physically by giving you the foundations so you can thrive!
- 4 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis labs and detailed report/customized protocol
- Four sessions going over labs
- 13 months of learning the foundations of health, designed in such a way that it is easy to take small actionable steps to see big results by the end of the year
- Monthly email check-ins
- Discount for recommend supplement (through an online professional dispensary)
$2366 (Payment Plans Available with deposit*)
*Payment plan details
- $399 deposit
- $149 monthly payments or $74.50 bi-weekly
Single HTMA -Supported Version
In this 4 month program you will learn what you should be eating for your unique health, what supplements you need to support change on a cellular level and basic lifestyle changes you need to set up a good foundation for health.
- 1 HTMA lab and detailed report/customized protocol
- 1 session going over results/answering questions
- 4 months of learning the foundations of health, designed in such a way that it is easy to take small actionable steps
- 4 email check-ins to gauge how you are doing and the ability to ask questions that have come up
- Discount for recommend supplement (through an online professional dispensary)
$597 (You can pay deposit of $300 with the remainder due three weeks later. Payments must be completed before going over results)